My blog
Case study: customer journey mapping at Armstrong
When a new CEO arrived at Armstrong and wanted to the organization take an outside-in perspective towards customers, I saw the opportunity to introduce and practice some of the strategic and design…
May 30, 2022 -
A fully-complemented sandbox: bringing customer insights and competitive knowledge together in one space for collaboration
A few months ago, a couple of colleagues and I were tasked with finding a tool that can be used to collect and share customer feedback about a complex but promising service…
September 17, 2020 -
Carving out a new destiny: Dayton’s bid to lift itself up
In August, Netflix released American Factory, a documentary produced by Barack and Michelle Obama that delivers a compelling story about Chinese and American workers brought together in a U.S. factory. It’s an…
June 14, 2019 -
Design Thinking so far
For the past several years, I have continued my lifelong passion for learning and working in design, a passion which began in high school and has ushered me through college, university, continuing…
March 2, 2015